5 TIPS TO GET BACK TO YOGA & Working out

It’s official…..summer break is almost over; the past few months flew by and boy were they FUN!  Biking, hiking, floats down the river, road trips, beach trips, and international jet-setting. There’s nothing quite like summer time in Portland – and we certainly know how to make the most of those hot sunny months!

If you’re anything like us, you wish summer would never end: and yet…..there’s also this growing sense of a shift coming. There’s a calling for a return to routine:, a desire to find consistency, and a strong urge to return to your mat.  To refocus on creating a stronger, healthier you. (Public Service Announcement: rose’ on the patio everyday is A-MAZING, but not exactly going to get you the body you need to live your best life).  And besides, we all know how unbeatable you feel after a great workout – don’t you sorta miss it?

So, how do you get back into your workout routine after Summer?


Commitment to your goal - Fuel Yoga Workouts Portland Yoga - 826 Sw 2nd Ave 97204


Make a commitment: Say it OUT LOUD – to friends, family, co-workers, your boss, your favorite barista: the more the better.  Tell them exactly HOW MANY CLASSES you are going to take during the week: for example, tell your best friend you’re going to three classes next week; then SIGN UP FOR THOSE CLASSES IN ADVANCE AND PUT THEM ON YOUR CALENDAR.  Which is super easy – because the MBO app can instantly add your classes to your calendar as appointments.  Humans REALLY don’t like missing appointments: your phone’s calendar is a powerful tool when it comes to commitment.


Sweat Buddy:

Working out is always more fun with a friend – invite a friend to class and fuel each other’s energy.  Having a sweat buddy boosts your commitment to your routine AND you surround yourself with positive people who support your healthy choices!


An Ounce of Preparation

With your workout schedule on your calendar you can now prepare in advance for all those excuses that come up as reasons NOT to go to class.  Preparation is how you destroy the excuses before they pop up.  Lay out your clothes the night before, pack your gym bag, and plan your (and your family’s) meals in advance.  Success is simple when you plan ahead. 


Love Yourself

Absence make the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the Flex and Flow classes feel a heck of a lot harder.  Be patient: you won’t immediately be your strongest and fastest when you get back to your mat.  Working toward your best self is a process – and it’s a beautiful process to participate in.  You know…that saying about the journey not the destination….it’s TRUE.  Don’t be disappointed in yourself if your first few classes back feel Hard, be proud of yourself for taking the first steps, and remember…. YOU WILL GET THERE WITH PRACTICE.


Have some FUN

Summer was fun, right?!?  Just because Summer is drawing to an end, doesn’t mean the Fun is leaving too!  To make the transition back to class – the key is to keep the FUN coming.  Which is why we’ve created BACK TO CLASS BINGO – sign up in advance (see “commitment” above).  The game begins Sept 4th and ends Sept 24th – get your card at the front desk or online.


So there you have it – 5 tips to get back to class.

To support you in your transition to a regular workout routine, we’ve created BACK TO CLASS BINGO – No, it’s not your grandma’s bingo at the community center and the good news is that the game is no risk – ALL REWARD.  That is….if you join.


Join FUEL’s Back To Class Bingo where you’ll find a renewed commitment to building your best life, and win some amazing prices (including yogitoes, gym bags, and mats)! To get in on the fun, it’s as simple as clicking below to sign up, or signing up at the front desk and snagging your Bingo Card.  

See you in the studio soon!

Are you ready to Play? Get your Bingo Card here: