The Fuel family of instructors heads north to the land of hockey, toonies, and perhaps the hottest Prime Minister the western world will ever know.  Those things are just a small part of why we’re packing the yoga mats, the yogitoes, and about a dozen workout outfits to journey north together.  We are on a MISSION to DISCOVER, get INSPIRED and CONNECT: all so that we can come back to YOU revitalized and reinvigorated as instructors; with fresh ideas, new playlists, and (if you’re lucky) we’ll even bring you some maple cookies.

Everybody gets stuck in the routine of our familiar territory, but Growth happens only when we cross our self-imposed borders. It’s true in all aspects of life; and it’s true as instructors, too.  To be the best instructors, we have to stay committed to being a STUDENT first: the curiosity and inquiry of the student mind is what teaches us how to be better teachers. And although Portland is blessed with a diverse community of workout options for us to explore; we’re subject to a certain localism that creates a uniform style.  We look at the body through the same lens, we use the same cuing, we play the same songs; which is why we’ve got to hit the road and seek out new inspiration beyond Portlandia.  Last year we did Los Angeles (it was epic); this year we explore the maple syrup capital of the world, Vancouver, BC.


Over the weekend we’ll be taking EIGHT CLASSES: adding up to more than TWELVE hours of workouts.  There’ll be plenty of yoga, but not just yoga; spin classes, rowing, boxing, bootcamp, and some classes that are indescribable because honestly, we have no clue yet what they’re about (here’s where curiosity and inquiry come into play!).  Our mission is to discover new ways to move the body, fresh ideas about yoga alignment and sequencing, and a hot bag of tricks to get you drenched in Flex.  We’ll also be living together for 3 nights; which means we’ll have a chance to connect as a family for more than 15 minutes at the front desk (nothing builds community like doing laundry together).  Almost forgot - We’re taking a hip-hop dance class!!! Stay tuned for some outrageous videos of that session!

This retreat is important work that fuels our purpose.  We want to be the BEST; We aim to staff the BEST instructors; and we want to support you (students and instructors alike) in becoming your BEST self.  To our knowledge, there is NO OTHER STUDIO that hosts an instructor retreat like this.  We take our teaching seriously (and sometimes not so seriously) and we believe our instructor family is the WEALTH of the studio.  So, to us it makes perfect sense that we’d organize a weekend intensive of continuing education and self-exploration that facilitates community-building and introduction of new experiences with the intention to develop advanced teaching methods that can be brought back to the studio and shared with you.  Blah.Blah.Blah…in other words a weekend of SWEAT.PURPOSE.PASSION.


Follow our journey this weekend on our Instagram and Facebook accounts, we’ll be posting nonstop about the classes we’re taking, the food we’re eating, all the sweat we’ll be dripping across Vancouver, and no shortage of hilarious moments that happen in-between.  Plus, there will dancing…….just sayin’. 


Make sure to check our class schedule online, too.  There are LIMITED CLASS OFFERINGS due to this retreat and those CLASSES WILL FILL UP – book your spot in advance!  Also give Sarah and Rachael a big high five for holding down the fort this weekend – they are nothing short of amazing and we love them!